Thanks Emma, this was a good start to a very rainy Saturday and helped me fall in love with the creative project again. These snippets of wisdom bear repeating; I especially liked the Minor White one and will think about 'what else' I'm saying when I write my 1,000 words today.
I found these and similar "sayings" inspiring when I first ventured into writing fiction; helpful when, before social media kicked off, sister writing friends thought I was worth listening to. Today, I nod and smile because I realise I'm past it. What a relief!
These strike me as useful aphorisms but it’s also important to remember that when an aphorism is true it’s almost never a universal truth, and it’s opposite will also be true to some extent/in some circumstances.
Thanks Emma, this was a good start to a very rainy Saturday and helped me fall in love with the creative project again. These snippets of wisdom bear repeating; I especially liked the Minor White one and will think about 'what else' I'm saying when I write my 1,000 words today.
I found these and similar "sayings" inspiring when I first ventured into writing fiction; helpful when, before social media kicked off, sister writing friends thought I was worth listening to. Today, I nod and smile because I realise I'm past it. What a relief!
Thughtful and enlightening, Emma. Thank you.
These strike me as useful aphorisms but it’s also important to remember that when an aphorism is true it’s almost never a universal truth, and it’s opposite will also be true to some extent/in some circumstances.
Yes, of course - that's why I don't in general do "tips"!