Thank you for another thorough and useful post Emma. In April I will be helping some members of the New Zealand Society of Authors through prep for reading their work publicly, and I will definitely reference your work on this.

I was fascinated to read that reading inside the head only developed in the 17th century.

Reading my WIP aloud and it helps me sink inside the work. It helps me pick up on whether the dream is broken at any stage. The flow, the rhythm too, whether the words fly or fall or flop. It takes time but it's well worth reading aloud to hone the craft.

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So glad it’s useful, Saige. I do agree that reading aloud can help create that sense of being inside the dream that readers want to feel - and so show when something in the writing breaks the dream, or at least makes it wobble.

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Dear Emma, many thanks for a really helpful, through and very interesting post. I just had one query where you say 'Pro actors swear by bananas for reading audiobooks' - what did that refer to? Was it for holding down pages/script? Or eating them to help their voices? Sorry, it is probably very obvious and I'm just being a bit dim but am curious to know. Many thanks! Best wishes, Bess

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Hi Bess - sorry, I should have been clearer. It's about what you eat to keep your energy up while doing a long recording: bananas don't crunch, and they don't encourage your mouth to make saliva, or dry it up, both of which are a problem.

Though they would also hold down a script quite nicely, I guess! So glad you like the post.

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Many thanks Emma! That makes total sense - a tip I shall bear in mind for reading aloud in future. Best, Bess

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