The Tool-Kit: Sentences

SENTENCE STRUCTURE : have you ever thought about the order in which you put the elements of a long sentence? An exploration of what's going on.

STRUCTURING AND PUNCTUATING A SENTENCE : an example from my own work

SENTENCE YOGA : the one about the more-than-eighty (yes, eighty) ways round to write the same simple sentence. The post otherwise known as A Million Little Versions

FREE INDIRECT STYLE : what it is and how to use it : the huge advantage we have over the playwrights and scriptwriters, so why wouldn't you exploit all the things it can do?

DANGLING PARTICIPLES AND MODIFIERS : what they are, how they happen, and how to sort them out. (£)

WHAT IS PASSIVE VOICE : and why are you told to avoid it? : and why it's actually a vital tool in your toolkit.

VERBAL NOUNS : how do they work and why does it matter? (£)

PHRASAL VERBS : and why they’re important for your editing (£)

MAY vs MIGHT : the confusion even some of the most knowledgeable writers still suffer from.

Itchy Bitesized 14: "EFFECT" vs "AFFECT"


SPELLCHECKERS, GRAMMAR CHECKERS AND MIGHTY THESAURI: how to make them your servant, not your master. (£)