The Tool-Kit: Point of View & Narrators

NARRATORS: AN ITCH OF WRITING GUIDE : my most up-to-date and complete ideas about this crucial issue (£)

POINT OF VIEW & NARRATORS 1: the basics : what point of view is, what a narrator is, and why it matters

POINT OF VIEW & NARRATORS 2: internal narrators : character-narrators who narrate in first person

POINT OF VIEW & NARRATORS 3: external narrators : limited, switching and privileged point of view in narrators who narrate in third person

POINT OF VIEW & NARRATORS 4: moving point of view and other stories : how to work with a moving point of view, second-person narrators and other stuff

TRAIN YOUR NARRATOR TO DO EVERYTHING YOU NEED : learn to get up close and personal in third person, and use your first-person narrator for perspective, over-views and covering the ground.


HOW TO MOVE POINT OF VIEW : not just between chapters, but in a single sentence. And why (as long as you do it well) no one can tell you it's not allowed.

CIRCLES OF CONSCIOUSNESS : a more useful and sophisticated way of thinking about point-of-view and psychic distance, and how to use it to best effect