The Tool-Kit: Narrative Voice and Dialogue

HEARING VOICES : what is voice, and why does it matter so much?

19 QUESTIONS TO ASK (and ask again) ABOUT VOICE : whether you're having trouble finding the voice for a project, or had feedback that it's not distinctive enough.

STYLE AND VOICE : a post which explored the difference between the two, and why I think 'voice' is a much more useful thing to talk about.

VOICE AND TONE : the effect of a similar plot is entirely different depending on how it's written. Is your false-accusation-of-adultery story Othello, Figaro, Feydeau, or Much Ado About Nothing?

RHYTHM - THEN RHYME - THEN REASON : Why the sound and rhythm of your words is the foundation, not merely the flourish, of your prose. (£)

IS YOUR NARRATIVE VOICE DULL, BLAND OR GENERIC? Here’s what it means and what do to about it.

WRITING DIALOGUE : how do it well, how to make it better.

PING-PONG DIALOGUE : a common habit and what to do about it.

SPEECH TAGS: how to use them best : why "he said" is often the answer but not always, and how to handle the latter.

WRITING EMOTION : is less really more? And how do you make it real? (£)

DESCRIPTION : how to stop your descriptions being slabs of scene setting, and turn them into storytelling.

KILL THAT "OFFICE-SPEAK" : how to get the zombie nouns, aggressive passives, abstract nouns and hedgy vagueness out of your creative writing.