The Tool-Kit: Groups, Courses & Academic Creative Writing
Itchy Bitesized 20: MAKE IT TO THE NaNoWriMo FINISH LINE
BUT CAN YOU TEACH CREATIVE WRITING? : What does a CW teacher do, and is that better than a trainee writer going it alone?
WRITING COURSES: the pros and cons : Should you do one? Which one? When?
SHOULD I DO A CREATIVE WRITING MA : What might it do for my writing? How do I choose?
MENTORING FOR WRITERS : How it works, how to decide what would suit you.
HOW TO DEAL WITH FEEDBACK : Whether it's informal writing-chat, part of a course, or a written report or review.
HOW TO GIVE FEEDBACK : Whether it's informal writing-chat on a forum, or a written report.
CREATIVE WRITING COMMENTARIES: don't know where to start? : how to write a reflective, analytical or critical commentary on your creative writing.
HOW TO GET THE BEST OUT OF AN EDITORIAL SERVICE : Does just what it says on the tin.
HOW TO GET THE BEST OUT OF A ONE-TO-ONE SLOT : Make the most of your ten minutes with an agent, an editor or a book doctor.
CREATIVE WRITING PhDs : the paradoxical beast : Wondering whether to do a PhD? Wondering how anyone ever could? Some answers, lots of thoughts.
AGONISING OVER YOUR PhD PROPOSAL? : Some tips to help you, which may also help with MAs, funding applications and the like.
SURVIVING A PhD or MPhil VIVA : how to prepare, how to cope on the day
ACADEMIC WRITING : my twenty-or-so top tips for writing well at all levels of academic study - which should also help you to get a better grade
GOOD & BAD ACADEMIC WRITING : some real-world examples to help you understand the difference